Institutions/ Participants
1. Amity Directorate of Science & Innovation, (ADSI) Amity University Uttar Pradesh
2. Department of Horticulture, Arunachal Pradesh
3. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry, Nauni, Solan, (H.P)
4. Walnut and Other Nut Fruit Growers Association of India (WANGAI)
5. College of Horticulture, Central Agriculture University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh
6. Arunachal Universities of Studies Namsai, Arunachal Pradesh
7. Krishi Vigyan Kendra of Arunachal Pradesh
8. Representatives of farmers associations, farmers from Arunachal Pradesh & Uttarakhand
The two day workshop on “Promotion of Walnut in Arunachal Pradesh” was organized Amity Directorate of Science & Innovation, Amity University Uttar Pradesh in association with Walnut and Other Nut Fruit Growers Association of India (WANGAI) and Department of Horticulture and Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
Experts from YSPUHF, Nauni, Solan, Departments of Horticulture, A.P., Walnut& other Nut Fruit Growers Association of India (WANGAI), College of Horticulture, Central Agriculture University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh, Arunachal Universities of Studies Namsai, Arunachal Pradesh and farmers of all hilly districts of Arunachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand participated and deliberated on the issues in details.
The workshop was inaugurated and chaired by the honorable Minister for Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry & Dairy Development, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar, Shri Chowna Mein Ji. In his inaugural address honorable minister emphasized the need of a strategic action plan for future development on walnut and creation of Centre of Excellence in all Himalayan states particularly in Arunachal Pradesh taking into consideration the huge area available for temperate horticulture in the state. A copy of Minster speech was distributed to all the participants, and is enclosed herewith.
Dr. N. C. Nainwal, Hon. General Secretary Walnut And Other Nut Fruit Growers Association of India (WANGAI) welcomed the participants and explained about objective and purpose of the workshop. He expressed major concern about unavailability of grafted plants of walnuts. The farmers are planting seedling plants of mixed varieties which are unknown to the growers.
Dr. Jombo Ratan, Director horticulture, Department of Horticulture expressed that walnut can be planted at the elevation ranging from 4000 feet to 6500 feet as these nut crops are good for diversification of horticulture. The demand of both the walnut is increasing year after year both within country as well as in abroad. Therefore, the steps are required to be taken to increase the area under these nut fruit crops so as to meet the demand of nuts in future. The walnut crop is a very high value & low volume crops and do not have marketing problem as these are less perishable and it is highly nutritive & very good for health & wellness of human beings.
The President of WANGAI, Shri K C Pandey explained the status of walnut and problem in promotion of walnut plantations, non-availability of quality planting material, farmers training etc. He demanded that good quality planting material be supplied to the growers at their door steps. He suggested that there is a need to produce the sufficient planting material by CITH, J & K and also import of planting material is required from developed countries. He also emphasized that Universities and institutes to invest more on R & D and simultaneously more number of scientists to be encouraged to undertake research work on walnut.
Dr. W. Selvamurthy, Former Chief Comptroller, DRDO, and Chairman, ASTIF, Amity University U.P. told about the importance of walnut has both alimentary and industrial uses. The kernel is rich in fat and minerals and is a concentrated source of energy. It is also valued as a healthy snack food and bakery ingredient. The demand of this fruit is increasing manifold. He assured the audience full support by Amity University for promoting walnut in Himalayan states.
Dr. Joginder Singh Chandel, Scientist from Department of Fruit Science, UHF, Nauni-Solan gave presentation on walnut production technology from plantation and orchard management including plant protection and also answered all the queries of the growers. He express that the University is undertaking multi-location trials in the grower’s field and dissemination of vegetative propagation technology for the production of sizeable number of plants at private nurseries.
Dr. Amit C. Kharakwal in his presentation on “Micro propagation of walnut” opined that micro propagation of walnut is feasible on large scale. However, protocols needs to be standardized depending upon the genotype.
The deliberations were also given by Dr. B. S. Hansra, Emeritus, Scientist, AICPHTCCM, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Dr. Naveen Pandey and Dr. Trilochan Singh from Arunachal University of Studies, Namsai and Dr T. Wangchu from College of Horticulture, Central Agriculture University, Pasighat
The growers from Arunachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand also gave their views, problem of planting material, insect and disease problems were given solutions from the expert during the grower’s session.
Recommendations of the workshop: The following recommendations emerged from the deliberations held during workshop:-
1. A survey and study to be organized in Arunachal Pradesh to identify the area for expansion
2. Ensure availability of quality planting material through establishment of nurseries in government and private sector, motivating the existing nurserymen of temperate regions
3. Import of lateral bearing quality plants, which are already prevalent in market and in demand
4. Walnut should be taken as major crop by establishing a Centre of Excellence in Arunachal Pradesh
5. A Walnut Mission for Himalayan States to be established for promotion of walnut
Action Plan
1. Regarding establishment of mother block in the department of horticulture farms and gardens Dr. J. S. Chandel, Professor, YSPUHF, assured to provide 300 plants of 100 each of three varieties Lara Hartley and Ronde De Montiganic to Department of Horticulture, Arunachal Pradesh and the same would be planted at Walong, Mechuka, Shergaon and Zero.
2. Dr. T. Wangchu, Associate Professor, College of Horticulture, CAU, Pasighat, assured that their expert will undertake plantations of the above varieties for multi-location trial for R & D.
3. 10,000 plants of walnut is required for this year plantation. Department of Horticulture Arunachal Pradesh will submit a requirement of the same to the CITH, J & K.
4. Training of walnut growers in production technology, plant protection, grafting of walnut growers and nurserymen; Exposure visit and training of horticulture officers and walnut growers at CITH, J & K
5. It is also decided that 1000 lateral bearing plants of walnut would be imported from abroad for this year winter plantation in government garden for bud wood bank and mother orchards.
6. The package of practices for growing walnut would be developed by College of Horticulture, CAU, Pasighat and made available to the farmers.
7. The exposure of horticulture officers to the modern nurseries of walnut in the developed countries.